Scared to try your first yoga class? We totally understand and realize it can be intimidating. Check out these common fears and our responses.

  1. I am not flexible and therefore cannot do the poses correctly
    1. Yoga is not just for flexible people! This is one of the biggest misconceptions out there. In fact, those who are more flexible sometimes struggle with not being in a pose with correct alignment due to hyper-mobile joints. Both of these things can be corrected with proper instruction and you will be surprised what a regular yoga practice can do for flexibility and mobility. With just a couple of weeks of regular practice, you will start to feel more comfortable in a pose. It’s good to take instructors up on their modification suggestions, or use props like bolsters or blocks as your body is adjusting. Modifications are not the “easy way out” rather they help support and strengthen your practice.


  1. I’m afraid I’ll look or feel stupid
    1. We understand that trying something new can create vulnerability, but it’s that very vulnerability that can help us grow. Typically, rooms full of people who appreciate yoga are not full of people who will judge how you look in a pose. Yoga is an inward practice, and although you’re in a room full of other people, it takes a lot of focus to focus on your breath and physical postures (asana). You might notice other people in the room who are in a pose deeper, or can hold a balancing pose longer, but these things take time and practice. Even those of us who’ve been doing yoga for many years fall out of tree pose (expect me to fall out of tree every time I teach it in class). A surefire way to get through this is to return to your breath, which the instructor will cue, focus inward and let go of any expectations.


  1. I’m not a Yoga Person
    1. We understand that not EVERYONE is going to love yoga. If it’s not for you, then that’s okay and we will accept that. ELC offers many other great classes that just might be a good fit for you. Otherwise, know that there is no one person that is the perfect “yoga person”. Different bodies, different minds and different political beliefs are all welcome in our yoga space. You might be surprised what you can discover on your mat!


  1. It’s too slow and I like fast paced exercise
    1. We understand this too, however here are a few things to keep in mind. ELC offers several different types of yoga. If you want to move, check out Power Yoga, or Vinyasa Flow. These are known for linking breath to each movement and can actually be a really great workout! They work almost every part of the body, and simultaneously stretch it. Also, Yoga is not just exercise. There are 8 limbs to yoga, and just one of them is Asana, or physical posture. There is also breath (pranayama) which is cued throughout practice and can help us to stay in the present moment, calm the nervous system and reduce stress. The full 8 limbs will have to be another post, otherwise check out this article for more information:


  1. I don’t like to be touched and am afraid the instructor will adjust me
    1. Although adjustments can be an important part of instruction, allowing you correct alignment and safety, we understand that not everyone likes to be touched. If you see an instructor adjusting people in class, it’s likely already been established that they are comfortable with the physical adjustments. If you don’t like to be touched for any reason, whether it be physical or emotional, that is 100 percent okay. We typically ask before offering hands-on adjustments and always have folks indicate if they do not want a Savasana adjustment, which includes a shoulder press and light neck/head massage. There are also other types of adjustments including verbal and the instructor demoing to ensure you can still be in the pose correctly. Make sure you discuss any of these concerns with your instructor and we will ALWAYS respect your space.


  1. I’m afraid I’ll fart in class
    1. If this makes you giggle, it’s supposed to! BUT, it’s also a real concern that we totally understand! When you move your body certain ways, sometimes there’s just no stopping it. I’ve had three children- I totally get it. There are a few things you can do to combat this fear- come to yoga on an empty stomach-try not to eat 2 hours before class and eat less gassy foods. Otherwise, we are all human beings, we all know that this is a body function, and if it happens, it happens! No one will judge you, because it could be any of us.

We hope to see you on the mat soon!

Thanks for reading,


Jeanne Williamson

RYT 200