“Today is a shit storm, but I’m in”

Today at the gym I was meeting with two ladies right after yoga and we were discussing having control of our thoughts and how yoga has created the space for them to acknowledge their thoughts and then let them go judgment free, beautiful right?! I know. However, sometimes when we are in the “shit-storm” of life, it can be hard to control our thoughts and let the icky go. That’s real life; we are not all a bunch of Buddha’s who have spent our life on a spiritual journey to understanding our deepest Self. It’s cool. Yet my advice to you, is watch your self-judgment. When you’re in the “shit-storm” do not judge yourself for being in the situation you are in and do not judge yourself on how you responded. It doesn’t help. You might have totally left your laptop at home and not noticed till you got to work and then forgot you had a meeting and totally spilled coffee all over your car, the list goes on, let the judgment go. The car next to you is not judging you for leaving your laptop at home and thinking you’re an irresponsible employee because guess what, they have no idea you did. You cannot control all of life’s curves and turns or be perfect and it is not your responsibility too. Just be kind to yourself, and let the judgment go, even if it is 2 hours after the “shit-storm” party that you crashed all day long…let the judgment go. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t have the self-awareness to know you let your thoughts tornado all day in negativity until 8pm at night, do not judge yourself on that, acknowledge that it happened, set the intention to catch it sooner next time and let it go. It is totally OK to say, “Today is a shit storm, but I’m in” because you are going to learn something from that “shit-storm”, that storm is going to lead you to things that you need in your life and it is going to make you the person you are supposed to be. Accept the “shit-storm” and ride it out baby- judgment free.