Squat Workshop

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So in early April we did a squat workshop here at Empowered Living Company with the focus on helping people improve the functionality and mobility of their squat. Many people knew the basics of a squat but didn’t have a great range of motion. Some people had a great range of motion but no strength or control in that range of motion, etc. So as soon as people walked through the door, we took a video (with their permission of course) of them doing squats and then right before they left for the day, we took another video. During the workshop people were learning cues, stretches, techniques and getting one on one feedback on how they personally could improve their squat based on their body’s needs.

In the video above, you see Jenny’s second squat video. At first, Jenny had a narrow stance, little control of her knees and could not get her hips below her knees at the bottom of her squat. In the video above, you can see Jenny has more control in her stance, her knees are tracking out and her hips are now getting below her knees in the bottom of her squat. Is her squat absolutely perfect? Nope. Is it better though, YES! The goal is for you to walk out of Empowered Living Co everyday with some form of improvements. If Jenny learning how to track her knees out in her squats prevents her from an injury in the future or helps her hit a bigger PR, then we have done our job! You aren’t going to perfect these movements in one day, however small improvements like this make all the difference and get you steps closer. If Jenny can make this much progress in one hour, think what she can do in one year! We all deserve to know how to move well and take care of our body’s, it’s just about having the support and guidance to do so!

Many people have said to me, “Cate I would love to come to your gym but my darn knees, I just can’t squat”. Depending on how well I know them or what rapport I have built with them I might say, well how do you get off the toilet? How do you get out of bed? How do you get out of your car? How do you sit down and then stand back up? Squatting is good for your knees!!! Directly after an ACL tear, maybe not. But if your knees regularly ache, if you have arthritis or if you have an old knee injury, you should be squatting! Your knees hurt because you probably are not using them enough or you do not use them properly. Everybody should be squatting as a form of exercise and everybody should learn the proper technique to avoid injury or pain. The hard part is showing up. The hard part is asking for help or walking into a gym and saying, “I have no idea what the hell I am doing” and then being OK with that and being open to guidance and feedback. Ask a coach, I like when people tell me they have no clue what to do because then I can teach them the right way and we can work together to help you be successful! So if you are the person who is saying “I have no idea what the hell I am doing” come in and let me show you. Throw the judgment away, get a little vulnerable and show up. You wont regret it and either will your body!