My Goals for You

When I was in the blueprint process of creating Empowered Living Company, I often thought about what my goals were for the space in regards to how I wanted people to feel when they arrived and left. I envisioned people getting addicted to how it feels to be here. The energy that they feel the space brings and the amount of positive energy they feel with the leave here. My mind never wondered to the idea of me wanting people to want a better body or want to look different. I always pictured that people would just want to get the happy/adrenaline feelings like I do when I exercise with people who I enjoy being around, hit PR’s and let their body changes just be a bonus!

So I want to let you know what some of my goals are for you when you arrive at Empowered Living Company. This does not mean that you cannot have goals to weight a certain amount or fit into a certain size pair of jeans. You can do that. However that is not my intention or goal when I encourage you to push yourself and arrive in this space. Here are some of my goals for you:

  1. Be proud and excited about what your body can accomplish. You do not have control over how your body looks to a certain extent. You do not get to choose that even though the person next to you also wears a size 4 jeans has a “better” body then you. You do however have control over the food that you put into your body, the amount of exercise you maintain a week and the amount you push yourself to reach your fitness/nutrition goals or lifestyle. Your body is an incredible machine and I hope you can find the excitement in that!

My goal is for you to be proud of your body for what it can do.

  1. Honor your progress and where you are at today. Health is a lifestyle. Not a fad, or a phase, or a six week diet plan. I know there is a quick fix for everything now days, but I challenge you to commit for the long haul. Be in the process of your success and do not rush these things. Sometimes people see results instantly and then plateau and get frustrated. Some people it takes them months to see results. Trust your process and honor where you are at.

My goal for you is to choose the lifestyle and honor wherever you are at in that process.

  1. Leave the judgment in the parking lot. And I don’t mean judgment of other people. (don’t worry I’m going somewhere with this) I want you to leave all judgments that you have about yourself in the parking lot. I want you to free yourself of anything that you have to say to yourself that is not positive and is no longer serving you. Want to know what’s amazing about this? If you leave your judgment on yourself in the parking lot, you will also be leaving judgment of others out there as well because guess what, when we judge others it’s a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. It has nothing to do with them and it has all to do with you. So leave the judgment that you are not good enough, too fat, not cool enough, not part of “that group”, “everybody can do those workouts…except me” out the door. It’s not helpful and it is going to make your process very hard. Want to know what’s even cooler!? You don’t have to take your judgment back when you leave! I give you full permission to leave it in my parking lot forever.

My goal for you is to free yourself of your internal judgments.