Membership Spotlight April 2019 – Mike Odello

What made you decide to try CrossFit?
I talked to a couple members from different parts of my life who were very pleased with their experience. I was looking for a way to exercise during the transition from Fall to Winter and the idea of CrossFit intrigued me. I enjoy exercise but I prefer to do it in a class setting like ELC provides.

What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?

I truly enjoy being a part of the crew each morning! The support provided by everyone really helps me drive through the workout and push to the finish. Hearing people I respect cheering me on is so encouraging when I’ve got nothing left at the end of a set. Their energy really helps me get through.
I have a hard time creating a workout myself, ESPECIALLY sticking to it and finishing. As I get through the first few easier reps, I know everyone else in the room is getting tired too! We are all fatiguing and fighting through together. That helps me dig deeper and get through the last few reps.

What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?

Hmmm, not burpees, not wall balls, not pull-ups. Kettlebells? I enjoy the barbell lifts. It’s something that cannot be done at home without the hardware. I also REALLY appreciate the classmates who take a second and spot me on the bench press.

What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?

I have been pretty proud about getting to double-unders. After months of burning through
singles, I thought I’d try it one morning and it worked! I’m still working on consistency, but I
know it’s possible. I hope to get more comfortable with these.
The thing I’m most proud of is that I’m no longer getting reminded to keep my knees out on
squats. That took many weeks of doing poorly. After many different perspectives, I finally got
the right concept and am doing them well enough that I’m not corrected every time!

What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

There’s been a couple things that I’ve noticed. It’s always nice to expand my social circle to include the champs from the early-morning club! I also find myself being much more mindful of
what I do during the day, from squatting down to get something from the fridge (how I practiced
my squats!) to lifting things at work.

What is your next goal you plan to crush?

Toe-to-bar. When I started at ELC, I saw people doing them and thought, “No problem! Let’s
Not so much…
I want to unlock that ability. My knee-raises feel strong, but there’s a long way from there to
T2B. The best part is talking to other members about similar challenges and knowing that we are
all have something that we curse about to ourselves while others seemingly breeze through the
same things.

What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for the first time?

Say “HI!” Everyone here is ready and willing to help out. Not sure of a movement? Ask! Curious about
equipment? ASK! In the education world, this would be called “A Safe Space” for making mistakes and
learning. We’ve all been there and know what it takes to get better.