Membership Spotlight July 2018- Lisa Hawks

What made you decide to try CrossFit and Yoga?

My family and I moved to Morris in January of this year and I knew I needed something to get me out of my house as I was experiencing my very first Minnesota winter (burr).  I was drawn to ELC for the yoga and I planned to maybe throw in a couple of Crossfit classes each week.  What happened instead is I fell in love with Crossfit.  I now attend Crossfit classes 5 times a week and I love it!  I have always been a huge fan of yoga and I try to get classes in or home yoga as often as I can.

What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?

The people! The coaches and my workout buddies are my tribe.  I know I mentioned the cold Minnesota winter before, but they are the reason I made it through the winter of 2018 with a smile on my face!

What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?

My favorite workout was completing the Memorial Day Murph with my 14 year old son, Cole.

 What is your favorite yoga pose or class?

I recently started taking the meditation class and it is blowing my mind.  I think of it as a guided class to exercise my brain.  Meditation has improved my life, please come mediate with me!

.What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?

I am really proud that I regularly attend class, work hard, and have fun!

What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

By implementing a regular exercise routine I am able to manage my stress and anxiety better.

What is your next goal you plan to crush?

Walking handstand and double unders

What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for the first time?

Take 3 big deep breaths and just do it, you won’t regret it!