Membership Spotlight April 2017 -Makenna Hufford!

What made you decide to try Platform Strength Training?

My mom told me about Empowered Living Co, I went to an Athlete Boot-camp class and I liked it so much I kept continuing to go.

What made you decide to try the Yoga Garage?

Cate told me that it would be good for my muscles, so I went and tried it and enjoyed it!

What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Co?

The people who participate in the classes, and Cate. They all have such positive attitudes it encourages me to improve and strive to get better.

What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?

I like the lifting part, if I had to choose it would be the snatch. It’s really fun to put a bar over your head.

What’s your favorite yoga pose/posture?

If I had to choose a yoga pose it would be downward dog, but I REALLY like shavasana especially when Carly comes and massages my neck.

What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far? 

Going everyday, and I can keep adding weight to my PR’s.

What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

I feel stronger and more confident about myself. I never could even move my arms when attempting a pull-up and now I am almost to a kipping pull-up

What is your next goal you plan to crush?

My next goal is to be able to do a kipping pull-up and eventually work my way to a hand stand push up.

What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company doors for the first time?

Just try one class and you will see how motivating Cate and Carly are and how much that makes you strive for so much more. ELC welcomes everyone and it is an enjoyable experience for all ages.