Member Spotlight November ’17 Mona Lee Hostetter!

What made you decide to try CrossFit?

It was my daughter, LeeMarie, who had joined 6 months earlier. She kept inviting me to free work outs. I kept saying, “I can’t do that. I’ve never been an athlete.” I did start running 4 years ago, but I’d never been in sports or even in a gym! But she said, “Oh mom, you can do it, they explain everything and scale it to your ability level.” I knew I should work out. Everything I read about having good health, skin and bones, good sleep and a good outlook on life seemed to include exercise, exercise and keep on exercising! So I went. And after a few free Saturday work outs, I knew this is what I needed.

What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?

First, I love just knowing it’s here! And that there are happy people, and a motivating sense of camaraderie- all sweating together, whether you’re lifting #55 or #200! People of all shapes and sizes, ages and abilities work out together, at their own pace, and high-five each other at the end. There’s always a coach watching out for you, assisting and encouraging. It’s a very people friendly place to be.

What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?

My all-time favorite is Tabata- a little of everything, but not too much of anything! J For CrossFit Strength, I like hang cleans, kettle bells and I’ve learned to enjoy jump pull-ups

What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?

Once I did a wall sit for 4 minutes! And I’ve planked for 3 minutes! And I’m improving my lunges

What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

I am enjoying new friendships. I met relatives I didn’t know I had! I get to spend time with my daughter working out, and be inspired by her! My mobility and balance in everyday life has greatly improved. And I’m enjoying better health-less colds!

What is your next goal you plan to crush?

My goal is just to keep on getting stronger. The Bible says, “she girds herself with strength and strengthens her arms” Proverbs 31:17 I plan to improve my bench press (65#) so I can lift #90 when I’m 90! It’s pretty cool to get started on this whole journey when I’m already older then everyone here, and still can make progress. Much of the decline we blame on gaining is actually due to inactivity and other life style choices. So my goal is to keep moving!

What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for the first time?

It takes determination to exercise, let alone go to a gym-something I never dreamed I’d do, or even want to do! Mayo Clinic says, “Exercise is probably the single most important thing you can do to age successfully.” And even if you’ve never exercised, or haven’t for a long time, you can just start this week. And if you need encouragement, this gym is the place for you! So let your “steel” come forth and walk through the door. We all started with that 1st move. Be humble and be ok with being a beginner, whether your 15, 45 or 75! See you at the gym!