Member Spotlight May 2017- Jenny Huntley!

What made you decide to try Platform Strength Training?

All credit for trying Platform Strength Training goes to Steph Schmidgall.  I have always been a member of other fitness clubs and did my “own” thing there.  Whether it was group fitness classes, running on the treadmill, other fitness machines, or lifting free weights.  I was very comfortable with what I was doing, but not seeing the changes in my body that I was working so hard for.  I enjoyed body pump classes and how I felt after lifting weights, but something was lacking.  Steph sent me a text about the new gym opening and thought I would love the atmosphere and what Platform Strength has to offer.  I reluctantly took her up on the offer to join at a class in September and I have been hooked since!

What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?

Honestly, my favorite part is pushing my body to a place that I never knew it could handle.  There are times when I am so physically exhausted in a workout, but will not give up because we are all in the workout together.  Everyone is at a different fitness level and at ELC that does not matter, we are all there to finish together.  When I would workout on my own I would often finish if I became tired and would not push myself because it is much easier to just “be done”.

What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?

I really like deadlifting.  I also enjoy a good sweaty tabata class.  And let’s not forget about some burpees.

What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?

I can finally do pushups on my toes, and not just one, SEVERAL!  I have NEVER been able to do a pushup on my toes, or at least with decent form.  My body feels so much stronger!  And, I don’t hate burpees anymore 🙂

What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

I am not as tired as I was prior to ELC, even chasing after my 3 kids.  I have noticed my body has toned up and I am building lean muscle.  I feel stronger,  and my clothes are fitting better!

What is your next goal you plan to crush?

I WILL be able to do pullups at some point.  That is my main goal right now, along with continuing to PR other lifts.

What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for the first time?

Just walk through the door.  Everyone is so different and no one compares.  It sounds very cliché, but honestly it is so true.  It is crazy how much of a rut we can get in just by doing the same thing over and over.  At ELC, Cate and Steph switch up the workouts so much that our body is constantly changing, and well let’s be honest, there are days you wake up and didn’t know certain muscles exist until your feet hit the ground for the day.