Member Spotlight..LeeMarie Hostetter

What made you decide to try Platform Strength Training?

 Cate!! I got to know Cate when we were coworkers and she is an absolute blast to be around!

What made you decide to try the Yoga Garage?

I just thought I’d try it for a month and got hooked.

What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?

Working out with friends. It’s automatic- when you’re suffering through a tough workout, you just bond! We call each other out, (“you can lift more than that!”) and celebrating each other’s victories. When I’m the last person to finish the workout and an entire room is cheering me on through those last terrible reps- there’s nothing like it.

What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?

Dead lifts!!! And I love when a movement that I’ve dreaded becomes do-able, then not too bad, then almost fun! (burpees, anyone?)

What’s your favorite yoga pose/posture? 


What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?

Unassisted headstand (1x so far) and 225lb dead lift. Can’t wait to leave those in the dust!

What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

-lifting over 200lbs (whut.)

-mental strength, learning to push past my limits

-getting excited to go workout, see my friends, find out what the workout is and power through another crazy session! I never dread a workout, it’s actually a highlight of my day.

What is your next goal you plan to crush?

In reality: push past all my PRs

In my dreams: unassisted pull-ups

What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for the first time?

Be confident. Just walking into a gym takes guts- for anyone. #props


 -we all started at the bottom, you will learn so fast!!

-anyone can lift heavy! My mom will be 69 years old this year and she does everything I do- right beside me! Lifting heavy is scalable to ANYONE.

-you will definitely be pushed past your limits

-you will have more support than you know what to do with

-within a month you’ll be trying to get all your friends to come!