What made you decide to try Platform Strength Training in the first place?
I’ve always wanted to get into lifting weights. I like running, but I was getting bored with my workout and this seemed like a good opportunity to change it up (Best. Decision. Ever!)
What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?
The vibe is definitely my favorite. Everyone who is there has similar goals and is pushing each other to do better.
What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?
My favorite workout is the 20 minute chunk of work where you do 1 Power clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press, 1 Back Squat and 1 Push Press from behind. This is grueling yet satisfying! Talk about sweat dripping down your face!
What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?
Seeing the difference from my October PR’s to my December PR’s. I can’t believe I could deadlift 195lbs! Whoop!
What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?
Besides the awesome benefit of feeling physically stronger, I love how I feel emotionally. Mind AND body health really do come together here at Empowered Living and I am loving it!
What is your next goal you plan to crush?
Goal #1: Toes 2 Bar
Goal #2: Pull Up
What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for their first time?
Don’t let the words “weight lifting” scare you away. You’ll be amazed at what your body is capable of doing. Remember, mind over matter.