Member Spotlight February 2018- Joe Schmidt

What made you decide to try CrossFit?

My girlfriend had been working with Cate and absolutely loved it. She was so excited about it and told me repeatedly that I needed to try this. About that time they started offering the SquareOne course at ELC, so I met Cate and signed up. I started going to CrossFit classes the day after I finished SquareOne, and pretty much every day since.


What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?

The people! Everyone here is fantastic. All of the coaches are simply amazing. They are all so full of knowledge and more than willing to help you make yourself the best you can be. Everyone at class is so positive and up-lifting. It is nearly impossible to have a bad day here. I couldn’t do it every day without the tribe.


What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?

I’d say burpees, but that would be a lie.  Although I don’t hate them as much as I once did, my favorite movements include a barbell. Power cleans are probably my favorite. They just feel good.


What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?

Simple, a pull-up. I had never done one until a few months ago. Honestly, I would still probably be using a band if it wasn’t for “Chelsea”. “Chelsea” is an EMOM WOD that involves pull-ups, push-ups and air squats. When I saw that workout on the board I thought, “I don’t have time to get in that band every minute”, so I did it without one, it was far from my most comfortable day at the gym, but one I am proud of.


What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

This list could literally go on and on. I sleep better, I eat better, I am way more mobile (Kaylene, you are a miracle worker), I have better posture, an improved mindset and increased stamina. A lot of those little nagging aches and pains have somehow gone away. Life is just easier.


What is your next goal you plan to crush?

My short term goals include doing the CrossFit Open for the first time and also competing in Festivus Games this spring. Another goal is completing “Fran” RX. The very first time I did “Fran”, I circled that day on the calendar on year later. So, see you in June “Fran”.


What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for the first time?

It is not nearly as intimidating as you think. Everyone here is very welcoming. I feel as comfortable here as I do anywhere. Just make the effort to walk in the door. I learned everything I needed to know about ELC during my first class. During the lift, I lost control of the barbell and both of us ended up on the floor. That could have been a really embarrassing moment but it turned out to be much the opposite. Immediately, I received help re-racking the bar and help with my movement. The WOD was particularly long and grueling that morning and I was one of the last to finish. As I did, everyone that had finished gathered around us still working, cheering us on. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?