Member Spotlight August 2017-Mandi Koehntop!

What made you decide to try Platform Strength Training?


I was looking to get back into a better exercise routine and I had heard there was a new gym opening up with one of its main focuses on Strength, an area I felt I was lacking and was excited to improve upon. After the first class, I was hooked!


What is your favorite part about Empowered Living Company?


Oh man…there’s just so many! But if I had to pick just one, it’d be the comradery of the people at every class. We’re all in it together, doing our personal best, encouraging, and pushing through to the very end of every workout. It’s a place of comfort, where sweat angels are admired and bacon sizzle is celebrated! The smiles & high-fives are a bonus too J


What’s your favorite movement, lift or workout?


Basically everything I couldn’t do or dreaded doing when I first started I’ve now grown to love and look forward to. This would include: kipping pull-ups, double unders, bench press, (& even burpees)


What’s one milestone you’re most proud of so far?

Being able to do a kipping pull-up! I never thought the day would come, but after putting my ego aside, following the scaled variations and progressing at my own pace (w/ some “gentle” encouragement from Coaches Cate & Steph) I did it and I am excited to do many more!!


What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since starting?

The change in my mentality of “I won’t” ever be able to do that, to “I will”. The gym emphasizes “You vs. You” and I’ve really started to keep focused on that when progressing through difficult movements, lifts, workouts, etc.

Also, the relationships and bonds I’ve formed with some awesome people that I’d never met or hardly knew before.


What is your next goal you plan to crush?

Strict pull-ups & T2B!!


What advice would you give someone walking through the Empowered Living Company door for the first time?

You can do it! We all had a Day One and this is yours. Own it and be proud of your success. Don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. It’s best to make sure you know the correct way of doing something before you just dive in. Technique and form is important, be patient. And most importantly, sweat with a smile (even when it sucks!) its just more fun that way! J