“I just want to be strong and then die”

Having Mona Lee come to the gym has been one of the coolest experiences I have had as a coach thus far! Mona Lee is turning 69 this year but you would never guess it! Mona has been crushing goals, going outside of her comfort zone, challenging herself and growing as an individual each and every day! (You guys should see her back muscles, they are amazing!!) One day in class Mona said, “I just want to be strong, and then die” and I was taken back by that because I thought well that can’t be all can it!? But then I remembered that Mona is at an age where people around her are now going to nursing homes, getting in home assistance care, not able to go to the bathroom alone, or get up and down the stairs without help, etc. First off, Mona is so far from that so it’s sometimes hard to remember that people her age are on a very different journey then Mona, but secondly I thought, absolutely! I mean that is a big part of why we exercise right?! We don’t want to have to go to a nursing home, we don’t want to have to have someone help us off the toilet, we want to be strong all the way to the end of our life! It was a solid reminder for me as a coach of why we are showing up everyday!  I am so proud to say that I coach Mona Lee and I can’t wait to see what else she can accomplish while she is here!!!

-Coach Cate

Here’s what Mona Lee has to say:

I started coming to ELC a few months ago because my daughter, LeeMarie, kept encouraging me saying, “You can do this mom, I know you can. And it’ll be fun!” So I went to a few free Saturday classes to check it out. I was planning to start running again this summer,  and I knew working out this winter would help me. Well, it’s been 3 months now! I am doing things I never thought I could do- lift weights, do pull-ups (barely) push-ups and squats (what are they, right? I’m learning a whole new lingo!) When I started doing lunges (after I learned what they were) I couldn’t stand back up without a couple of extra steps. Now, even though I don’t do them well, I can recover. My balance is better, my legs are stronger and knee pain has lessened Recently, I dead lifted #65 several times- quite an accomplishment for me!!

With the help and encouragement of Cate and Stephanie, I started slow, light and easy. They always demonstrate every movement, showing the difficult move, the easy and the easiest, so you always choose your level. When I forget how to do something they are quick to refresh me with a smile! I love the camaraderie, cheering each other on, and congratulating at even the smallest advances. Some of the people in my classes are very strong and flexible and good! I’m glad for them. There are others, like me, who are older (68) and just starting, just learning, but we are all able to work together because of the excellent way the program is set up. So, like i read in a magazine, “I am my perfect age!” Who says you cant get stronger and in better condition? Especially when we have such a helpful and encouraging atmosphere right here in Morris: Empowered Living Company.

Thanks ELC!

Mona Lee Hostetter