Borrowing Bravery

Sometimes life throws us 40 reasons as to why we don’t have the time, energy or circumstances to work out. I’m here to remind you, and to show you, who those 40 reasons are messing with… your potential.  Let’s just reflect on what my 40 reasons tempted me with so far this week…  “because this has been a tough week I am just going to start next week…because I am feeling so emotional with everything going on maybe I should just treat myself to dairy queen instead of eating the healthy food I packed…because I have been struggling this week with things outside of my control, I think I am just going to skip my workout and self-care time…”. DO YOU KNOW HOW EXHAUSTING IT IS TO FIGHT OFF ALL OF THAT NEGATIVE AND STICK TO MY GUNS?!?  Freaking hard. Yet I know that all the people who are showing up to my classes and the yoga classes everyday go through similar things in their head and still show up. I like to call that borrowing bravery (yes I learned that from the YouTube video you are about to watch). Sometimes all you have to do is show up and borrow the bravery of the person next to you to get through that workout that you didn’t really want to do today. Sometimes you just need to borrow the bravery of the person next to you to push yourself harder then you thought you could. But in order to borrow that bravery, you have to show up. The video says that the best way to kill our weakness is with strength and I agree. Sometimes we find that strength in the people around us and sometimes people find their strength in us. We will leave deeper prints in our community and in our lives if we just show up. Fight past the mental fatigue and the excuses and show up. Know that once you show up, you will be surrounded by bravery and strength that you can borrow and use to keep you on your journey and pull you out of that slum that you are in. So thank you to everyone who let me borrow a little bravery this week. I hope I can continue to do the same for you.

Now watch this cool YouTube video that I have borrowed bravery from, has helped me multiple times stay on my journey and reminded me of why I am doing what I am doing. (I know the video is more geared towards women but still a good watch for all you guys out there as well!)